Century Man Jacquelyn
bison kimura
bloody diarrheaJohn Arderne, De arte phisicali et de cirurgia, England ca. 1425.Stockholm, Kungliga
Pride riding a lion and Envy riding a greyhound‘The Dunois Hours’, Paris ca. 1440-1450Br
crucified heartRené of Anjou, Le mortifiement de vaine plaisance, France ca. 1470Cologny, Fondation
heart-shaped songbookChansonnier de Jean de Montchenu, Savoy ca. 1475BnF, Rothschild 2973
the lover and the roseRoman de la Rose, Netherlands ca. 1490-1500BL, Harley 4425, fol. 184r
French kissBeatus of Liébana, Commentarius in Apocalypsin, Astorga 12th centuryBnF, Nouvelle acquisi
archery training above: Psalm 85:14 ‘Deus, iniqui insurrexerunt super me, et synagoga potentiu
Haec-Vir (Latin: This [effeminate] Man - haec being the feminine form of the demonstrative pronoun j
Giovanni Lanfranco (Parma 1582-1647 Rome), Young Man with a Cat on the Bed, 1620, Walpole Gallery, L
Giovanni Lanfranco (Italian; 1582–1647)Elijah Receiving Bread from the Widow of ZarephathOil on canv
Giovanni Lanfranco (Italian; 1582–1647)Moses and the Messengers from CanaanFrom an ensemble of eight
Giovanni Lanfranco (Italian; 1582–1647)The Prophet Elijah Awakened by an Angel in the DesertFrom an
La chute des anges rebelles (La chute des damnés) = The Fall of the Rebel Angels (The Fall of the Da
La negación de San Pedro por Gerrit van Honthorst, 1623 aprox.
San Pedro y San Pablo obra de un autor cretense desconocido, s. XVI.
Tríptico abierto Busto de Cristo, San Juan Bautista y San Pedro. Cerrado San Juan Evangelista y Sant
San Pedro Mártir con los Santos Nicolás y Benedicto por Cima da Conegliano, 1505-06.
bishop and nun‘The Maastricht Hours’, Liège 14th centuryBL, Stowe 17, fol. 49r
back door to Heavenprose version of Pèlerinage de vie humaine of Guillaume de Deguileville, Paris or
Hercules, stahp!Raoul Lefèvre, Histoires de Troyes, Cognac ca. 1500BnF, Français 252, fol. 99r
lutenistPontifical of Guillaume Durand, Avignon, before 1390Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, ms
but you don’t really care for music, do you?King David dancing before the Ark of the Covenant&
Lovers Engaged in Lovemaking - Nepal (Probably Bhaktapur), Late 18th Century
A demon with seven long necks and seven heads tortures a church leader in the grip of its powerful t
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