joe harper
Swipe left ➡️ for snapshot of some of the folks who made it with me. #WNEULaw #Classof2018 #graduati
#AboutLastNight … Pascale and I have raised a lot of hell, called a lot of BS, and worked tog
( “A girl with dreams becomes a woman with vision.” ) When I was a little girl, I said I wanted to b
( A buncha revolutionary manumission abolitionists, gimme a position, show me where the ammunition i
Your girl graduated with distinction! It had been a long journey but I made it and I am so proud tha
Congratulations @carlitosway619 we are all proud of you! #sdsu #classof2018 #congratsgrad #yougradua
Congratulations @carlitosway619 we are all proud of you! #sdsu #classof2018 #congratsgrad #yougradua
Graduation is right around the corner! What will you wear underneath your cap and gown? Link in bio
Nostalgia erases the stressful all-nighters, the bitter cold, and the suffocating whiteness. I love
#AboutLastNight … Pascale and I have raised a lot of hell, called a lot of BS, and worked
#QuestToEsq. #Commencement. #Classof2018. @wneulaw (at Western New England University)
When your #squad comes through for early #birthday celebrations… ❤️ #TaurusSeason #Classo
( “A girl with dreams becomes a woman with vision.” ) When I was a little girl, I said I
Swipe left ➡️ for snapshot of some of the folks who made it with me. #WNEULaw #Classof2018 #graduati
I’ve got some plans today … ⚖️ #Classof2018 #JD #BoomLawyered @wneulaw
Me: I need to do this MPT. Also Me: Let me frame this up real quick… #MeAndLongAFName #Th
( A buncha revolutionary manumission abolitionists, gimme a position, show me where the ammunition i
I’ve got some plans today … ⚖️ #Classof2018 #JD #BoomLawyered @wneulaw
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