Colt Model
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Engraved Colt Model 1851 percussion revolvers with ivory grips.from Morphy Auctions
Factory engraved Colt Model 1902 semi automatic pistol inscribed to Mexican General Aureliano Blanq
Factory Engraved Colt Sheriff’s Model
Mark Twain with his Colt Model 1903 pistol, 1908.
Colt Model 1874 Gatling gunfrom Rock Island Auctions
Engraved and gold inlaid Colt Model 1873 Single Action Army with carved ivory grips, circa 1901.
Extremely rare Colt Model 1900 sight safety/Browning slide lock prototype semi-automatic pistol.Esti
Colt Model 1855 revolving military riflefrom Rock Island Auctions
Fine Engraved Colt Third Model Thuer Derringer, late 19th Century.from Amoskeag Auction
Colt Model 1855 percussion revolving carbine with shortened barrel and Republic of Mexico marking.fr
Rare Colt Model 1860 Army with detachable shoulder stock.
peashooter85:Ornate gold and brass decorated Colt Model 1862 percussion single action revolver.Curre
Engraved Colt Model 1871 revolver with ivory grips. Grips are carved with the Mexican eagle emblem.
Colt Model 1855 revolving shotgun in 20 gaugefrom Rock Island Auctions
Cased, engraved, and silver plated Colt Model 1861 Navy percussion revolver with ivory grips.from Ro
Nickel plated and engraved Colt Model 1903 pocket hammer model with ivory grips
Gustave Young engraved Colt Model 1849 pocket revolver with ivory grips.
Presentation cased and engraved Colt Model 1861 Navy percussion revolver with carved Mexican Eagle i
Gold damascened Colt London Model 1851 percussion revolver. During the mid 19th century Colt had a
US inspected 1887 dated Colt Model 1883 gatling gun.from Rock Island Auctions
Colt contract US Model 1861 musket, American Civil War.from Rock Island Auctions
The Colt Model 1877 Double Action Revolver,During the mid 19th century Colt was known for its line o
An experimental Colt Model 1911 made from stamped sheet metal.Created by General Motors in 1947, thi
An early production US Colt Government Model semi automatic pistol engraved by Richard Roy.
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