tumblr.com christian graphic t
Making bold innovations in computer science and engineering once is remarkable. But to do it twice w
Why just show off the front when the back cover is this cool I turned it into an add for my newest b
End papers from my newest book The History of the Computer pre-order ink in bio and on sale 4/26 I
End papers from my newest book The History of the Computer pre-order ink in bio and on sale 4/26 I
Margaret Hamilton
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #technology #datascience #bigdata #deeplearning #tech #
Guess who got unstuck ♀️ . . . . . #coding #code #css #webdeveloper #coder #html #codinglife #
All I want for Christmas is my code to work ♥️ . . . . . #developer #computerscience #webdev
Stayed up late last night working on this new app I want to put on the App Store also Merry Christma
2020 Let’s crush our goals! . . . . . #developer #computerscience #webdevelopment #developers
Being Quarantined in the house has made me what to revisit working on my apps SwiftUI is the best!
Converted my regular interface into an augmented one . . . . . #app #softwareengineer #coder #softw
Who is grinding this Friday night?? ♀️ . . . . . #developer #computerscience #webdevelopm
Back into the swing of this - messy desk and all ♥️ . . . . . #developer #computerscien
Look close enough and you can see me in the computer screen . . . . . #developer #computerscience #
Back to work I go . . . . . #developer #computerscience #webdevelopment #developers #computerprogra
Some exciting news!! Just dropped my third app on the App Store! this app is a little different than
Testing out a new Spam sector application . Do y’all think this message is spam or not?? . .
Coding in bed who else does it?? . . . . . #developer #computerscience #webdevelopment #developers
So I decided to leave the house today and do work at DigIn . Who in NY has been there before?
Swift UI is amazing!! . . . . . #developer #computerscience #webdevelopment #developers #computerpr
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