Cornell College
tudung tetek
dorothy malone
amanda exposed
Ready for graduation
Postcard: The Chapel, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, mailed and postmarked 30 April 1957.
max14me: max14me: Alex Heisdorffer 285 pounds Cornell College, Cornell, Iowa &nb
Milstein Hall; Cornell University, Extension to the College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Locat
It’s been two weeks since I graduated Cornell. Today I move away from the only home I’ve
I graduated from Cornell today ❤️
Ava DuVernay — award-winning director of Selma, 13th, and A Wrinkle in Time — spoke at C
Ready for graduation
Still have Lyme. Still have finals.
I got diagnosed with Lyme disease yesterday. My last finals week started today. So. Things are going
First first day, last last day.
Last day of undergrad. Thanks for the wild, beautiful ride Cornell.
How is this all I have left??
One week left of classes. Forever.
Took my last ever prelim today ‼️ only perk of growing up
Sage Chapel. The top three murals represent Cornell’s commitment to the arts, the sciences, an
It was 70 degrees and sunny yesterday
It got up to 70 degrees today. I ate my lunch outside. It’ll be 30 again tomorrow.
First day of my last semester of undergrad, and the only class I had was Wines
I’m incredibly honored and thankful to have accepted an offer with Teach for America. Followin
Finals week is all about rewarding yourself. For example, I am rewarding myself with tea and YouTube
Cornell University | Rowing Team Instagram: @sam_jbrown Tumblr: @growing-up-green The Babe U | Get
Sage College, Cornell University Campus, 1890
openshowers: Cornell University Teagle Hall. There are five or six little rooms like this all in a r
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