Costume Illustration
wolf man
Ida Rubinstein’s costume for Phaedra by L. Bakst, 1923
Arlequina from Comedia dell Arte Schwarzenberg collection of theatralia, theatre repertoire and cost
Costume designs for the ballet “Legend of Aziade” by Boris Anisfeld,1926
“The pilgrim” costume illustration by Leon Bakst, 1911
“Femme de l'Isle de Java” from Costumes de Differents Pays by Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, 18th
“Mulier Nobilis Hispanica” by Wenceslas Hollar, published in 1649 illustrating early 17t
Female Harlequin in 18th century clothes, mid-19th century costume illustrations for the Commedia de
Catherine de Medici,Queen of France (1519-1589)
“ Venitienne” from Costumes of the World by Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, c. 1797
“Costume pour Mlle Bernard dans Tancrède une guerrière, suivante de Clorinde Dessins et croqui
A masquer in “Brittannia Triumphans” and costume for the King in the masquerade “S
“Saltimbanque et Bohemienne” by Sere Ferdinand, 16th century
“Dancing girl” by Thomas Baxter
Dance of the Seven Veils by Leon Bakst, c. 1908
A young woman in Turkish dress, 1809
Costumes of French noblewomen from “Habitus Variarum Orbis Gentium” by Jean-Jacques Bois
Illustrations of costumes for the Ballet Royal de la Nuit (Royal Ballet of the Night) by Henri Gisse
Costume designs for Ballets Russes ballet “Obsessions” by Kathleen and Florence Martin,
Lady with a houpette from Nuremberg, Germany by Wenceslas Hollar after Paulus Fürst excudit, c. 1645
Costume designs for a play “Walram de Genaderijke” by Herman van Elteren, 1956
Ramson “Quicktongue” Another character we’ll meet again (and get to know better) i
Grecian woman painting her face by Thomas Baxter
Byzantine costume from the 4th to the 6th century;Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena, 4th cen
Costume design sketches for an unknown court spectacle by Jean Berain, 1695
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