Dad Gut
rope bra
katia kotenova
Spot the difference
Not sure where I got this from anymore
Looks like this guy is starting to fill out
Bulked up to 280lbs
It’ll happen faster than you realize
Hunky to chunky
Fit guy becomes a dad and gains 40lbs. 185-225
Check out how much fat he put on
Yum - ex navy submission
The belly this guy is getting while transitioning from skinny to beefcake really suits him
That beer belly though
Here’s a guy who got fat from his poor diet. After the second pic he’s been tryi
Growing dadbod
He’s gotten pretty big over the last few years(Submission)
From 195lbs - 322lbs (Part 1)
Submission. This formerly skinny guy looks like he’s getting quite the belly and butt
Damn do I ever love seeing dads blow up and let themselves go like this
He used to be in such good shape before starting a family
“Gf porked him up” - submission
I can always admire someone who’s gone from ripped to chunky with a belly
From “best body” in HS to complaining about how dorm food is making him fat. Typ
This guy used to play all kinds of sports by the looks of it, but joined a frat and seems to have le
First pic is from a hotdog eating contest. During college he started getting muscular, but now he ju
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