Dev Art
unborn child
mod rainy
military spending
group images
daniel gordon
poof-tylee:This picture is so amazing! Look at how realistic she looks!Artwork by DareenGeers on dev
Backgrounds from Mighty Magiswords episode “The Incredible Tiny Warriors,” my fave episode for obvio
(10/10) legends have been told about this mysterious ingredient for generations, with no one skilled
Entity gameI just found this game months ago, and now thinking this is a game that everyone should k
EVYIND EARLESleeping Beauty Visual DevelopmentGouache
A vis dev painting from my 4th year film!! Was really fun figuring out the lighting for the confront
HUD work!
(8) a view of polly and ofra’s flying restaurant, the beetle! it carries the restaurant seatin
(bonus 2/2) polly and ofra buying veggies!(i changed up the scale of the onionish people from the la
(5) as the years pass, ofra grows taller and stronger. when she’s ready, polly takes ofra on h
(7) polly and ofra find the lost onionish market and the vegetable keepers!
(6) when ofra is older, polly takes her on an adventure to find the lost market of the onionish peop
Hey, my name is Nina! I’m a game dev and illustrator from Germany who enjoys experimenting with diff
the chef and the golem! a fake movie poster for class. my vis dev project is finally done, woohoo!!
We’ve got a pretty big dev team here at ValiDate, and each and every one of them has worked real har
Starting off my day 1 & 2 of #MisadventureMay with a sketchbook page of my protagonist and compa
Day 2 of #AdventureApril a companion for my protagonists travels - a cauldron creature for my wizard
Day 5 of #AdventureApril after defeating the aggressive shroom pal, my protag notices a strange howl
some more concepts from that project
94. carving www.instagram.com/p/BX5jGC0FypZ/?taken-by=eggbadger
95. www.instagram.com/p/BX8CaHqlCNe/?taken-by=eggbadger
Working on texture painting. Originally, Yolhammer was going to be made with just solid colors (like
314 :: cubism www.instagram.com/p/BgbeDqbl-IR
93. how I feel when my build oscillates between 45 and 7 fps www.instagram.com/p/BX2-A3EF4Yu
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