certified babie™️
prone paddle
geometric dresses
steven dies
Relax. It’s Saturday. #dogphotography #dogsofinstagram #dogphoto #petphotography #fredlevyart #excel
When three Great Danes and two Irish wolfhounds bring their girl out, there is lots of exciting thin
Some say, “the bigger the better” for their valentine. #dogphotography #dogsofinstagram #dogphoto #p
No matter how big your dogs get, they will always be your little puppy. #dogphotography #dogsofinsta
Such a happy couple that wraps their love around their dogs. Nothing better. #dogphotography #dogsof
After a exciting shoot. It’s good to be able to rest your big head. #dogphotography #dogsofins
A busy day here at @loyalcompanionpets shoots photos with Santa as a fundraiser for @ccicanine. We&r
Here are the @neadsdogs that I photographed at the beginning of the year. They are the first dogs br
4年前の伊吹。 やっぱり#canon の写りが好きだなぁ Ibuki, 4 yrs ago. . . #takemebacktuesday #過去pic #海辺散歩 #canonに戻りたい #shib
まだ人の少ない海をご機嫌で歩くよ Beachside walkie . . #ご機嫌さん #海辺散歩 #doglovers #doggy #dog_features #weeklyfluff #dog
いい天気!このペースで歩くと帰りはバテちゃうさん Sunny day walkie . . #晴れ散歩 #柴散歩 #ご機嫌さん #shiba500 #shibastagram #shibainu #
ご飯待ちは真剣勝負‼️ waiting for my meal . . #目ヂカラ で量を増やす #ガン見 #飯待ちは遊びじゃない #shiba500 #shibainu #柴犬 #shibalife
ぷりけつから始まる爽やかもいもい #cutebutts . . #cutedog #dogonthebeach #おちりら部 #shiba500 #shibainu #柴犬 #shibasmile
@copper_the_bullboxer loves her to do it’s a great way to get him to look where I want him too
梅雨が来る前にたくさん歩こう♀️ ねえちゃん待っててあげたたつもりが置いていかれそうで慌ててダッシュ Don’t leave me‼️ . . #doglovers #doggy
エリカラ大王の休息。 休んでる時に神威と遊ぶとぷんすかお怒りになる。 Cone collar pillow . . #conecollar #dogcone #カイカイさん #何でも枕 #shiba5
信じられないかも知れないけど、 マテの真っ最中なんだぜ I told you to #STAY . . #フリーダム探索中 #柴犬だもの #桜 #待ってられない #花柴 #springflowers
窓を開けるといい風が入ってきたよ Enjoying early #summerbreeze . . #窓辺の柴犬 #dogbythewindow #ひなたぼっこ犬 #shiba500 #shibas
Some days, it’s just nice to see my older work. I know I’ve progressed but I still think
I’m getting ready for the latest dog events coming up. I’ll have my tent set up and I&rs
My wife is on a sewing spree. She is on summer break and throwing herself into making all kinds of f
Guess which dogs will be at my next pet photography class at @thebpw on July 17. It’s going to
I’m so impressed with @neadsdogs. I got to photograph these pups as they were finishing their
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