Earth Science
Eroded volcanic landscape. Approximately 15 million yearsago this used to be a shield volcano (simil
More uses for gravityOur last post talked about using changes in Earth’s gravity field to measure gr
eartharchives:We think of mushrooms as the quintessential fungus. But they’re actually only the frui
If you scoop up all the other planets and dwarf-planets, all their moons, and all the asteroids and
Diamond is both a girl’s best friend and the hardest natural substance on earth. #science #nat
How much do you weigh? #Gravity #sun #mercury #venus #earth #moon #mars #jupiter #saturn #uranus #ne
Uberabatrachus was a small frog that lived among the dinosaurs in Brazil some 70 million years ago.
Is it the Death Star? No, it’s Mimas! Mimas is the 21st-largest moon in the Solar System and i
The black mamba is among the fastest snakes on Earth, slithering about at 12 miles per hour. They ar
The Inland Taipan is the most venomous snake in the world. It was first described in the 1800s but t
Nobody likes wars, or mosqitos. #nature #science #animals #mosquito #war #insects #trivia #eartharch
Camels have two rows of thick eyelashes to protect their eyes from desert dust. #camels #ungulates #
Ceratogaulus, or the horned gopher, which lived in the Great Plains of North America a few million y
The next time you try to kill those nasty stinging insects, remember they might actually be doing a
Photographs from the International Space Station (credit: Alexander Gerst)
Pandora and Prometheus work together to maintain Saturn’s thin F Ring. The F Ring is so thin,
In Greek mythology, Deimos was the twin brother of Phobos and personified terror. #solarsystem #spac
Vesta is the second largest asteroid in our Asteroid Belt, making up 9% of the mass of all the aster
Tiger snake females are viviparous, meaning they give birth to live young and don’t lay eggs. You kn
A New Timelapse Tool Reveals How Much Humans Have Altered Earth’s Landscape Since 1984
Hygiea is the largest oblong asteroid in the Asteroid Belt and the fourth largest overall. #science
Phobos, Mars’ largest moon, is drawing closer to Mars by one meter every century, and it is pr
For a while astronomers were confused - they assumed that there was only one body in an orbit, but s
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