commission sheets
gif massage
body girl
Giovanni Lanfranco (Italian; 1582–1647)Moses and the Messengers from CanaanFrom an ensemble of eight
Giovanni Lanfranco (Italian; 1582–1647)The Prophet Elijah Awakened by an Angel in the DesertFrom an
rotgospels:Hadewijch, Mengeldichten 16 (tr. by Mother Columbia Hart)
This is so beautiful! 1.6 million young Catholics kneeling in Eucharistic adoration #PolandWorldYo
Morning OfferingO Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,I offer you my prayers, works, joys, a
The Triumph of Saint HermenegildFrancisco Herrera the Younger (Spanish; 1627–1685)1654Oil on canvasM
coolartefact:Miniature tabernacle and case, boxwood, leather, gold fittings, 1510-1525, coming apart
Institution of the Eucharist, 1442, Fra AngelicoMedium: fresco,wallwww.wikiart.org/en/fra-an
hardcorehedgehog: Eucharist with the sacred elixir of god COCK! \m/
windsroad:Tintoretto's Last SupperRather than depicting the moment when Jesus says one of the Apostl
rotgospels:Sarah Clairmont, She’ll Eat Him Up, She Loves Him So
Baby Eucharist
napowrimo 7 // eucharist
jacob-jordaens: The veneration of the Eucharist, 1635, Jacob JordaensMedium: oil,canvas
catholicpriestmedia:“Jesus took His flesh from the flesh of Mary.” - #SaintAugustineofHi
Easter Day: the elevation of the Host at both the 9 and 11 AM Solemn Masses
Infographic: 8 ways to pray during Adoration
The elevations at today’s 9 am Sung Mass. We welcomed newly ordained deacon the Rev&rs
whiskeypapist: Lamb of God,You take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us.
Allegory of the Eucharist, painted by Alexander Coosemans between 1641 and 1689
Adoration of the Holy Eucharist, oil on canvas by Claudio Coello, 1685–90; in the sacristy, El
Institution of the Eucharist, 1446, Fra AngelicoMedium: pen,paperwww.wikiart.org/en/fra-ange
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