Ezada Pain
All the pain for me! All the pleasure for my Owner, The One And Only @Mistress_Ezada! Just by whippi
ezada-devotee: Sometimes it’s painful to please Lady Ezada Sinn Obey @Mistress_Ezada! Train y
@Mistress_Ezada’s whip will make me gladly taking all the pain from Her!
@Mistress_Ezada enjoys inflicting pain on Her boys! Thus i don’t want to live without suf
Now i’m on my knees, naked, ready to take the pain @Mistress_Ezada inflicts on me!EzadaSin
Whatever whip @Mistress_Ezada chooses i must be ready to take the painful lashes!
i would be happy to get @Mistress_Ezada’s training! i accept the necessity of Her painful
Molding a male is much more complicated than just causing obvious pain! Indoctrinatin
Sometimes it can be painful to worship @Mistress_Ezada’s boots!
i hate the pain so much! But i’m happy to take it! i crave for @Mistress_Ezada’s las
i'm longing for the pain @Mistress_Ezada will inflict on me! But taking pain is not enough! i m
@Mistress_Ezada’s whipping is painful. But i would be proud to be whipped for Her pleasure!
@Mistress_Ezada’s boys learnt that inflicting pain on them is a gift of The One And Only MATRI
MATRIARCH EZADA SINN made me begging for more pain! She made me loving Her whips!
i've no choice! Living in chastity for my Owner, @Mistress_Ezada, and ready for the pain She li
@Mistress_Ezada made me begging for more pain! She made me loving Her whips!
@Mistress_Ezada made me begging for more pain! She made me loving Her whips!
@Mistress_Ezada made me begging for more pain! She made me loving Her whips!
@Mistress_Ezada made me begging for more pain! She made me loving Her whips!
@Mistress_Ezada made me begging for more pain! She made me loving Her whips!
@Mistress_Ezada made me begging for more pain! She made me loving Her whips!
Traveling with The One And Only @Mistress_Ezada!She made me begging for more pain! She made me lovin
Yes, i do crave for @Mistress_Ezada’s whip kisses bringing satisfaction to Her (and pain
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