wy trails
factsandchicks: Cats “Headbutt” people because they make them feel safe, or they trust t
factsandchicks: Three triplets separated at birth ended up all going to the same college and meeting
factsandchicks: ATM PINs were originally intended to have six digits, but have four because the inve
factsandchicks: Kevin Smith was hired by Warner Brothers to write the script for a Superman movie. H
factsandchicks: Queen Elizabeth II has 4 drinks a day - a gin before lunch, a wine during lunch, a d
The U.S. Air Force successfully deployed a reconnaissance drone capable of Mach 3.3… almo
Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day of the same year.source
factsandchicks: The sex noises in “Rocket Queen” by Guns N’ Roses were real and we
Adrien Brody, in order to star as Wladyslaw Szpilman in The Pianist, “withdrew for months,
We’ve had the ability to turn Lead and Mercury into Gold since the 50’s. It&rsqu
The Vietnam Memorial was designed by a 21 year old architecture student for a class project. She got
Your brain is able to make a decision for you seconds before you become aware of the fact that you a
Monkeys with smaller testicles scream louder to compensate.source
New York City is the most linguistically diverse city in the world, with 800 languages spokensource
factsandchicks: A Chinese law promulgated in 1981 requires that every citizen over the age of 11 pla
A very tired chemist once spilled UK’s entire supply of plutonium(10mg) on a table, and in
President Harry S. Truman was so poor after his presidency that Congress had to enact a law to give
A man “walking oddly” in Baltimore in 1989 was stopped by police. He was found t
Blood passes through the kidneys at a rate of 1.1 Liters per minute. The human body has about 5 Lite
Crows are one of the smartest non-primate animals on earth, with the intelligence of a 7-year-old hu
In 552AD two monks successfully smuggled silkworm eggs in their walking sticks from China to the Byz
Mark Twain was born on the day when Halley’s Comet flew by earth. He said “I came in wit
On the set of The Princess Bride, André the Giant once “let out a 16 second fart an
When Ready Player One was released, there was an easter egg in the book that lead readers to three c
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