Fluorescent Mineral
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Aragonite, some with sulfur, from Sicily, Italy. Shown under white light, short wave ultraviol
Aragonite on Calcite displaying fluorescenceLocality: Unknown 375nm (Longwave) UV Light
Aragonite from Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico under short wave ultraviolet and white light.
Pink Chalcedony from near Copper Canyon, Mexico, under white light and short wave ultraviolet.
Fluorescent mineral display at the 2019 Dallas Gem and Mineral Society Annual show in November.
Witherite, calcite and fluorite from Rosiclare, Illinois. Pictured under white light, long wav
“Third Find” Wollastonite (orange) in calcite (red) with minor barite (pale blue) from F
Esperite (yellow), willemite (green) and calcite (red) from Franklin, New Jersey shown under short w
Benitoite from the Dallas Gem Mine in San Benito County, California, the type locality. Pictur
Mixed fluorescent minerals including afghanite, calcite, albite, scapolite, phlogopite, and others y
Chalcedony from Hidalgo County, New Mexico under short wave ultraviolet and white light.
A moon? A planet? No, it’s a 4-inch orange calcite sphere, pictured under short wa
Benitoite crystals with a small crystal of black neptunite from the Dallas Gem Mine, San Benito Coun
Mixed fluorescent minerals including afghanite, calcite, albite, scapolite, phlogopite, and others y
Baratovite from the type locality of the Dara-i-Pioz Glacier (Dara-Pioz), Alai Range (Alayskiy)
Gemmy benitoite crystals with a tiny crystal of neptunite on a matrix of pale bluish crossite and sn
Terlingua Calcite on the left and fluorapatite from Wana, South Waziristan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
Hexagonal crystals of fluorapatite from Wana, South Waziristan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (formerly NWFP: N
Benitoite crystal from the Dallas Gem Mine, San Benito County, California. While this one is &
Benitoite on crossite and natrolite with a sprinkling of tiny joaquinite crystals from San Benito Co
Autunite on Limonitized Matrix displaying fluorescenceLocality: Le Boucheron, Davignac, Corr&eg
Haüyne On Fassaite displaying fluorescenceLocality: Biachella Valley, Sacrofano, Rome Prov
Dumortierite in Quartz displaying fluorescenceLocality: Dehesa (Lehesa) Dumortierite deposit, A
arockmaniac: Benitoite from the Benitoite Gem Mine in San Benito County, California, the type locali
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