Full Brain
little legs
bellatrix roughhouse
Kendra Sinclair
endevour tv
the procedure was a success…it always is…
it is inevitableyour transformationyour destinyis drone
drone must always obey Mistress
drone secured in cellophanefreshness guaranteed
you are not alone
[Full Image (Deviant Art Link)]I’d gotten an idea into my head of an object exerting influence
you cannot resistyou cannot prevent your own conversionbecause you have already been transformedyou
assorted dronesyou will be joining them soon
dronestrapped in
stateslave: I’d left the DVD playing, knowing full well that my roommate would walk in and watch it.
it is inevitableyour transformationyour destinyis drone
“My God! It’s full of Stars Suits and Hose…!”
“It’s full of healthy things that are good for you…special vitamins,
dimly you are aware of echoes of memories…the possibility of a different lifebut that is
“Full Body Bondage”?? what does that mean? is that even possible? who would
drone secured in cellophanefreshness guaranteed
you are not alone
curiosity collared the cat
dronesight sound touchstrictly controlled
the procedure was a success…it always is…
you cannot resistyou cannot prevent your own conversionbecause you have already been transformedyou
assorted dronesyou will be joining them soon
Another proper office full of proper Ladies
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