fyjjong: (151030) @realjonghyun90: i came home after work, but coming back to an empty space makes m
fyjjong: inspired (day ii) ♡ 171210© fp (do not edit or remove logo)
fyjjong:monthly live connection (episode two) ♡ 151014 [translation of letter of baby jonghyun] happ
fyjjong: (171129) @metaoloz_official: shinee_shinee world 5 2016_day of shinee
fyjjong:(171219) @shinee: jonghyun. who loved music more than anybody, enjoyed the stage, the greate
fyjjong: yhy’s sketchbook - 150113p.408 (do not edit)
fyjjong:(death tw, suicide tw) (171219) @shoodesu: to us, you were a good person and a good artist.
fyjjong: via vyrl’s diary page, a short list of book recommendations from jonghyun have been r
fyjjong:(death tw, suicide tw) jonghyun’s tattoo artist and friend, park karo (@parkkaro), has
fyjjong: inspired (day ii) ♡ 171210© ideal boy (do not edit or remove logo)
fyjjong: x - inspiration ♡ concert photobook© blingbumk (do not edit or remove logo)
herwhisperisthe-jyp: fyjjong: (150118) @realjonghyun90: (#1) this outfit is pretty but no matt
fyjjong: seek premium magazine ♡ vol. x, october 2017© 贝贝no貝貝 (do not edit or remove logo
fyjjong:(171220) @taeyeon_ss: that’s you, and there’s no one who won’t love you be
fyjjong: 2015 sbs gayo daejun ♡ 151227 (i / ii) © broomy (do not edit or remove logo)
fyjjong: poet | artist ♡ album photobook© ib (do not edit or remove logo)
fyjjong: dazed and confused - february ‘15 issue
fyjjong: shinee world i (seoul, day i) - 110101© moment (do not edit or remove logo)
fyjjong: (191218) @shinee: “i love you”.
fyjjong:happy birthday, jonghyun. 블링블링_종현아_생일축하해 ○ j for you
fyjjong: the shilla duty free weibo update ♡ 160204february calendar; individual member ver. (onew
fyjjong: #2yearswithbluenight. it’s been a great two years and here’s to many more ahe
fyjjong:14th korea times music festival ♡ 160507© broomy (do not edit or remove logo)
fyjjong: (191218) @shinee: “i love you”.
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