Graffiti Art
Brush bait
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murata icon
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site:tumblr.com butterfly outl
‘Limos R For Burning! #ClassWar’Seen in Washington DC
Drop J20 ChargesAnn Arbor, Michigan
“Heroes live forever” Graffiti mural in Moscow for IvanKhutorskoy, anantifascist and RAS
‘Be Gay Do Crime’
‘Class War’ In Shoreditch, UK
“Revolt”In Tampere, Finland
(insert img “street art.jpg”)When graffiti goes meta.
(via Street Art Utopia » We declare the world as our canvas » By Näutil – In Siouville-Hague, France
Each week this Pride Month we’ll be highlighting two artists working within one of Nobody Promised Y
Antifa Stuttgart
“By any means necessary” Seen in Albuquerque,New Mexico
mirrored street (I’m clearly very lazy) I included the original colour grading in the final image, b
“Burn All Prisons!” Graffiti and paint-bombs on Bern City Hall in Switzerland, in solida
Antifascist mural in Bristol, UK
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains" Rosa Luxemburg 100 years ago, follow
Nov 2017,New condos tagged in the Mission District, San Francisco
‘Fuck Cops’ seen in Berlin, Germany
radicalgraff:Memorial graffiti around Sweden for Björn Söderberg, an antifascist activist who was sh
“Stop the Condos, Grow More Trees” Stencil seen in Montreal
‘FCK CPS’ seen in Bern, Switzerland
“All cops are bastards! …including your nice‘ uncle!“Seen in Leipzig, Germany.
ACAB Manny seen in Humenné, Slovakia
“Fuck Cops”Seen in Mühlberg, Germany
‘Big Floyd We Love You!’Memorial graffiti for George Floyd in Minneapolis
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