Historical Challenge
jonathan simms
Losing her career in nursing weighed on Catherine, and her heart dropped as she felt the pains of la
Follow this blog for history humor on your dash
scythesms:Wedding Portraits Posepack I’ll be starting the decades challenge soon and I wanted
Agorá / Community lot / Retail The unbeatable combination of a profound debate and eclectic s
Manthos BB set - Part one / Recolour I wanted to build a Minoan castle but didn’t find th
Manthos BB set - Part two / Recolour I wanted to build a Minoan castle but didn’t find the el
Manthos Palace / Residential lot It’s a manifestation of power and greatness. Not a
Agroktima Troizena / Residential lot Olives, cows and chickens are the base of this farm. Wit
Efesos House / Residential lot This house is neither rural nor urban, but something charming
Troía House / Residential lot Everybody say you need a horse to get inside Troí
previous ➺ next Dear Mother,There is something in the air of Windenburg, and it is fertility. Not si
previous ➺ next Dear Mother and Father, Do you remember when I was a girl, and we accompanied the Er
previous ➺ nextElyse watched summer, her favorite time of the year, gradually end through the window
previous ➺ nextDearest Mother,I appreciate your correspondence. I find comfort in every letter you s
previous ➺ nextDear Father,I am pleased to inform you that your grandchild spent his first month hap
previous ➺ next Isaiah and Elyse were blessed with an uncomplicated delivery and the arrival of thei
previous ➺ nextElyse’s final weeks of pregnancy were spent in serenity. Amid numerous forms of
previous ➺ nextDiscomfort, proven inescapable when with child, peaked during the midway mark of Elys
previous ➺ nextDuring Elyse and Isaiah’s stroll along their grounds, Elyse’s enthusiasm
previous ➺ nextElyse recognized the signs for what they were and prepared herself for all that would
previous ➺ nextBecause Elyse’s parents kept help around during her upbringing, she was never a
Previous / NextCharles has aged up, and he is a quite a spoiled child by both his grandmother and mo
My entry for @thesimnova ‘s writing challenge! Just a short drabble and I’m a mass
First portrait of the Ambroise children, Elijah and Josephine.
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