Insect Photography
cole blaq
solomon david
cruxis crystal
pork dishes
Eastern Tailed-BluePleasant Valley, 7-1-16
Banded HairstreakParrish Oak Savanna, 7-2-16
A geometer moth caterpillar (inchworm)
Burnished brass moth - Diachrysia chrysitis - in the poly tunnel this afternoon.
On safari in my front porch today, spotted a twenty-plumed moth - Alucita hexadactyla. I’ve se
More photos of the many plumed moth - Alucita hexadactyla.
Found some green haristreaks today - Calophrys rubi - one of my butterflies <3
On PavementSociety6|Redbubble
Blue DragonflySociety6|Redbubble
www.nmaquieira.tumblr.com Avispa
A friend of mine nominated me for the 7 Day Nature Challenge. I am suppose to post one nature shot I
Golden Silk Orb-Weaver/Banana Spider Nephila One thing I miss from living in Florida… All the
Nice close ups of a common earwig - Forficula auricularia.
Make a Wish by Eleonora Di Primo Camera: Canon EOS 7D Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
Male and female glow worms - Lampyris noctiluca - in Glenan Bay last night. It was a calm, dry night
A new-to-me beetle Donacia crassipes. It lives as an aquatic larva the on the lower parts of water l
A great diving beetle - Dytiscus marginalis. It was wandering along the road, not quite its usual ha
A great capricorn beetle - Cerambyx cerdo - among Europ’e largest beetles.
A tiger beetle - Cicindela campestris - enjoying the May sunshine.
Alas, Elaphrus cupreus is just a little too small to have its marvellous blue ocelli admired by huma
A female glow worm - Lampyris noctiluca - out on the shingle beach at Glenan last night.
Suddenly, these longhorn beetles - Rhagium bifasciatum - are popping up all over the place!
After taking some nice photos of Japanese tiger beetles in Kyoto last year, I’ve been keen to
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