International Gothic
the 5 kings
The Kiss of Judas (folio 158 from Les Heures de Charles d'Angoulême), Israhel von Meckenem, 15th cen
St. Helena and the Emperor Heraclius (aka Helena and Heraclius with the True Cross at the Gates of J
King David, Juan Rexach, ca. 1460
Pentecost, Andrea di Cione (Orcagna), 1362-65
Pentecost, Duccio di Buoninsegna, 1308-11
The Dormition of the Virgin, Hans Holbein the Elder, 1491-92
Scenes from the Life of Joachim: 2. Joachim among the Shepherds, Giotto, before 1337
David Anointed by Samuel and The Battle of David and Goliath (folio 7 verso from the Breviary of Phi
The Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple (Rejection of Joachim’s Sacrifice), Giotto, 1303-05
Flight into Egypt, Guido da Siena, 1270s
A scene in Hell. Miniature by the Limbourg brothers from the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, ca
Presentation of Christ in the Temple, Stefan Lochner, 1447
International Lolita Day picnic p - JustMoolti
Saint George Killing the Dragon, Bernat Martorell, 1434/35
Nativity, Taddeo Gaddi, ca. 1325
The Wedding at Cana, Duccio di Buoninsegna, between 1308 and 1311
The Way to Calvary, Ugolino di Nerio, 1324
Saint Paul, Andrea Vanni, 1390
Entry into Jerusalem, Giotto, ca. 1303-05
The Last Supper, Ugolino di Nerio, ca. 1325-30
Resurrection, Lorenzo Veneziano, 1371
Saint Hugh of Lincoln Exorcises a Man Possessed by the Devil, Gherardo Starnina, 1404-07
The Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine, Barna Da Siena, 1340
The Road to Calvary, Pietro Lorenzetti, ca. 1320
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