Intj Quote
sg sexy
truthfully Web definitions with truth; “I told him truthfully that I had just returned fr
rid·i·cule ˈridiˌkyo͞ol/ noun 1. the subjection of someone or something to mocke
luthienne:Sarah Kay, No Matter the Wreckage; “Postcards”
en·joyinˈjoi,enˈjoi/verb1.take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
fore·seefôrˈsē/verbpast participle: foreseenbe aware of beforehand; predict.
la·zyˈlāzē/adjective1.unwilling to work or use energy.
pre·pareprəˈper/verb1.make (something) ready for use or consideration.
wantwänt,wônt/verb1.have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for.
en·ter·tainˌen(t)ərˈtān/verb1.provide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment.&ldquo
wallwôl/nounplural noun: walls1.a continu
prideprīd/noun1.a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievem
feelfēl/verb1.be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched.“she felt
as·sertəˈsərt/verbpast tense: asserted; past participle: assertedstate a fact or belief confi
Submitted by: whtbout2ndbrkfst ad·mireədˈmī(ə)r/verbregard (an object, quality, or per
submitted by: whtbout2ndbrkfst cre·atekrēˈāt/verbbring (something) into existence.
submitted by: white-lady-of-greenwood so·ci·e·tysəˈsīədē/noun1.the aggre
si·lenceˈsīləns/noun1.complete absence of sound.
factfakt/nouna thing that is indisputably the case.
hell hel/ noun 1. a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering,
solve sälv,sôlv/ verb past tense: solved; past participle: solved find an answe
dis·tance ˈdistəns/ noun 1. an amount of space between two things or people.
wantwänt,wônt/verb1.have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for.
si·lenceˈsīləns/noun1.complete absence of sound.
truthfully Web definitions with truth; “I told him truthfully that I had just returned fro
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