Japanese Films
Films in 2018 #147 Shoplifters, 2018. Directed by Hirokazu Koreeda★★★★★★★★ - -
Studio Ghibli from 1986 until 2014
Check out these stunning rare Japanese posters of Studio Ghibli films spanning three decades of
My Neighbor Totoro (Japanese: となりのトトロ Hepburn: Tonari no Totoro?) is a 1988 Japanese animated fantas
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice (1952)
Musashi, la trilogie de Hiroshi Inagaki | Movie poster made for the french release by Carlotta Films
『颱風とざくろ』須川栄三/東宝/1967Taifu to Zakuro (Pomegranate Time) / Director: Eizo Sugawa / Production Company
『二人の恋人』森谷司郎/東宝/1969Futari no Koibito / Director: Shiro Moritani / Production Company & Distr
『女の中にいる他人』成瀬巳喜男/東宝/1966Onna no Naka ni Iru Tanin (The Thin Line) / Director: Mikio Naruse / Producti
『伊豆の踊子』西河克己/日活/1963Izu no Odoriko / Director: Katsumi Nishikawa / Production Company &
『香港の夜 A NIGHT IN HONGKONG』千葉泰樹/東宝/1961Honkon no Yoru (A Night in Hongkong) / Director: Yasuki Chiba
『猟人日記』中平康/日活/1964 Ryojin Nikki (The Hunter’s Diary) / Director: Koh Nakahira / Production Comp
『おんなの渦と渕と流れ』中平康/日活/1964 Onna no Uzu to Fuchi to Nagare / Director: Ko Nakahira / Pro
十九歳の地図/柳町光男/プロダクション群狼/1979Jukyu-sai no Chizu (A Nineteen Year-Old’s Plan) / Director:
A Silent Voice (2016) Dir. Naoko Yamada, Cin. Kazuya Takao“I think I understood you
Late Spring (1949) - by Yasujirō Ozu
入江 たか子 Irie Takako (1911-1995)Japanese actress that starred in several majorly successful films such
Funeral Parade of Roses • 1969 • Toshio Matsumoto
Funeral Parade of Roses • 1969 • Toshio MatsumotoFuneral Parade of Roses is a 1969 Ja
Funeral Parade of Roses • 1969 • Toshio Matsumoto
Inktober 2019 Day 22 -GhostI’ve been watching a lot of the Japanese Ju-on films for the 31
THE WOMAN WHO LEFT - poster - JapaneseIn cinemas in October www.magichour.co.jp/thewoman/
stevhoa: Japanese posters for David Lynch’s films
The Night is Short, Walk on Girl (2017) Dir. Masaaki Yuasa, Cin. Batiste Perron“When
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