Jeanne Vanitas
clit fondle
jeep girl
yana surana
“I love that Jeanne’s cheeky side seems to be coming back“
“I used to be worried about vanijeanne bc it seemed unhealthy but in the gevaudan arc I’
“Jeanne is secretly the thiccest of them all“
“Bless Vanijeanne, I hope it’s gonna be canon“
“Vanitas is a Gryffindor. Fight me.“
“I don’t get why people say Vanijeanne being endgame would be unrealistic. Vanijeann
“Am I the only one who dislikes the canon Vanitas and Jeanne ship? Like, Vanitas is outwardly
“although i’m enjoying vanijeanne’s current dynamic, i don’t see how their r
“I think Jeanne/Vanitas is an extremely problematic ship, but regardless of my personal feelin
“Concept: Vanitas, Noé and Jeanne polyamorous relationship!!“
“Vanijeanne is a toxic relationship but if Jeanne learns to hold her own against Vanitas and s
“At school we are currently reading The Maid of Orleans and I couldn’t ignore the pa
“Honestly, people should'nt judge vanijeanne because of their first encounter. They were on di
“Something I can’t stop thinking about: does Vanitas ever wash his gloves…&ld
“I can’t see Vanijeanne being endgame, I can see it being canon for some time during
“So… there is this VnC hateblog on this site, and while I know it’s bette
“Seeing serious discussions on ship endgames is so goddamn weird. Did you all forget that Vani
“I’m curious, what would happen if Noe got the chance to dance Jeanne before Domi to
“I’m sorry, I really can’t get behind VaniJeanne considering their first m
“Noe blames himself for having killed Vanitas but then we got a page that says he blames himse
“I’m worried Mochijun might not give any of the VnC ladies the backstory and charact
“Vanitas is playing mindgames with Jeanne to get her to like him because he secretly knows No&
“I personally see Vanitas being on the ace spectrum, even though he makes those comments allud
“I don’t like Jeanne that much. I liked her in volume one (don’t know the
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