Language Tw
transatlantic travel
high gnomey
TRANSLUSUSLusores habituum optimi sunt ei qui ex aliis animibus veneruntCROSS-PLAYThe best cosplayer
angelicnirvana:bored so i thought i’d upload more of my Sailor Uranus cosplay~I love her as a charac
Error sum.
ionicempire:“And when they came to the deep-soiled land of Troy they stepped forth upon the beach, o
sandralvv:When I was a teenager, there was a cartoon that I loved and marked me forever. When I firs
Haruca Mitiruaque sole fruuntur!Haruka and Michiru are enjoying the sun!
Haruca quoque modo accepisse accommodata ad praesentia nova illius Tumblr videtur.keyofnik:Looks lik
Your smile saved me/Your tears taught meTuus subrisus me servavit/Tuae lacrimae me docuerunt
Harucam iuvat ludere lusus quos soli magni liberi ludere possunt, sed modo cum Mitirua!Haruka likes
URANUS NEPTUNUSQUEAmatorium par illecebrosissimum generis liliacei quod in animi umquam videbis.URAN
Reia excellens apparet!Rei looks excellent!nemobrand:MOESTREET #05 擬似ストリートスナップ / 火野 レイ ( セーラームーン )
Amor || Iustitia || Passio~~~Love || Justice || Passion
Avete, Nautria Martis sumSalvete ad Jackass
In nomine Martis……tacedum in crucem.
the-almost-officialnurse:In my humble opinion, sign language is important to know for anyone going i
the-fault-in-marys-life:artemisia-at-salamis:Forgot I owned this beauty.Oh my zeusssMihi placet!
Hana: QUID IN F-Iaredus: Dixitne aliquis… fautorium officium?Hana: WHAT THE F-Jared: Did some
Officium FautoriumQuia remunerari aliquo modo suos fautores debuerunt.FanserviceBecause they had to
interretialia:Etiam Nautria Lunae officium fautorium habet!Even Sailor Moon has fanservice!
~~~Omnino nescio quid dicamPost hanc partem id minus et minus comprehensibile fit
neon-oxygen:/Oh well, again English, I don’t know this language, sorry/I finally got this! Even fast
Excellentem fautoritatem habemus!We have an excellent fandom!
dreadwollf:The time has come to speak to them in a language they will understand.
lana-loves-lingua-latina:Outfits inspired by my life as a Latinist! Day 4 of 6: The Roman-tic-runs a
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