is you
Labrador BigBlonde on Flickr
I’ve never had someone use something I made for them as much as my boy uses his super hero
Happy 2nd birthday to my best friend. This past year and a half has been 100x better because you&
Stealthy. #taz #wherestaz #dalmatianterrier #rescuedog #delawarespca #love #mansbestfriend
You were my best friend. You were my faithful guardian. You gave me comfort when I was sad. You watc
This right here is my bitch…. literally because she’s a female dog and I own her. M
As I lay, chin resting on the threshold that leads to a world I hardly know, I ponder the sheer vast
I miss you my friend. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to you proper but I always thin
#adventuredog #pugx #hikerdog #dogsofig #dogstagram #amongthetrees #neverstopexploring #nature #wild
Numero uno #lifeofabadbitch #lifestylesofthebadandboujee #notoriouspup #biggiesmalls #mansbestfriend
I don’t normally post long things, but as a dog owner I was reminded tonight how much like
I’m gonna stay here and give you kisses so that you never go away again! #iwasonlygone3da
#nationalbestfriendday champion 4 years running! #bestfriend #mansbestfriend #pembroke #welsh #corg
Corgdad: “Lili! Who’s my best friend!?” Fartface: “&hel
Dad!! Do you even see how sunny it is outside!? #sunnyinseattle #pembroke #welsh #corgi #pwc #insta
Mr. Tochterman, I simply don’t see how these numbers are acceptable. Are you aware that in
Time for my daily stretches! #stretching #dog #pembroke #welsh #corgi #pwc #instapets #petstagram #
Here we see the elusive snorglebear in her natural environment- all snorgled up atop some plushy bla
Oi, whatchu lookin at, m8? I’m just having some mad banter wif da pillows. Be a ledge and
Mission Control to CORG-1, you are cleared to engage in Potato Mode, engage on my mark in 3&hell
Mission Control to CORG-1, you are cleared to engage in Potato Mode, engage on my mark in 3&hell
We all have that one friend… #derpsmcgee #derp #bork #burf #herpdederp #doge #pembroke #
When you roll up on the #squad at a meet #squadgoals #shortlegsquad #swag #pembroke #welsh #corgi #
A tricolor trifecta!! ❤️❤️❤️ #omg #yes #loveit #pembroke #welsh #corgi #pwc #instapets #petstagram #
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