Minish Cap
hellraiser 1987
I tried to draw a cutesy little thing, where Vaati is in a house-coat and sleeping in bed–
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #31: “TRICK OR TREAT”“For it is pl
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #30: “SUITS”“And we can dress real
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #29: “DRESSES”“Take all worry out
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #28: “SWEATERS”“Unraveled words, l
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #26: “TIED”“Then, you pull them al
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #25: “PLAID”“But. the high notes w
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #24: “CARRY”“And let me dream a dr
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #23: “COLD”“Narrow streets of cobb
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #22: “EXPANSION 2”“Whose armbands
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #21: “EXPANSION 1”“Rise, fall; gre
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #20: “WARM AND COSY”“We could stay
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #19: “SCARED”“I want to know your
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #18: “HAYRIDE REDUX”“But, I feel a
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #17: “GROWTH”“Everything that&
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #16: “PASTRIES”“I’m wast
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #15: “CAT”“He’s curled i
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #14: “TALK 2”“No, you can&rsqu
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #13: “TALK 1”“Get hip and get on m
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #12: “FLOWERS”“I can’t b
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #11: “PUMPKIN SPICE”“Turirurimyott
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #10: “SHADOWS”“I’m walki
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #9: “MILKSHAKE”“And the candy flos
Inktober: The 31 Days of Vaati, Day #8: “HEAD-PATS”“Come and hold me n
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