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From propstore.com, you could own this “vampire” suit from “Priest” (2011). #MonsterSuitMonday
From Jason Burch’s instagram. #MonsterSuitMonday “Our Minotaur muscle suit. Beautifully crafted by J
A werewolf from “Dog Soldiers” to brighten up your #MonsterSuitMonday
Due to my internet connection being a butt, I didn’t post anything for #MonsterSuitMonday yesterday.
Also from RBFX for #MonsterSuitMonday. This is a great grey alien makeup!
RBFX makes such cool stuff! #MonstersuitMonday Here, makeup artist Thomas E. Surprenant has turned J
#MonsterSuitMonday Work by makeup artist Richard Redlefsen. This is listed as “The Killer” on his po
#MonsterSuitMonday Some screen grabs that someone made of a deleted scene in “Blade Trinity” featuri
#MonsterSuitMonday Also found on propstore.com, here are some shots of a gorilla suit created by Ri
#MonsterSuitMonday From Propstore.com, a display of Frankenstein’s Monster from “Van Helsing” (2004)
A creature suit from the film “Feast”. #MonsterSuitMonday This suit is available for purchase from p
#MonsterSuitMonday Sort of #NSFW Not even sure what to say about this suit. I think it was designed
#MonsterSuitMonday Also from “Doctor Who” (episode “The Girl Who Lived”), here’s Leandro. Created by
#MonsterSuitMonday Some closeup shots of the Zygons from “Doctor Who” by Millennium FX.
#MonsterSuitMonday Creature costume and prosthetic make-up effects on Kiran Shah for a Wrigleys gum
#MonsterSuitMonday Actor Rob Archer being transformed into Krampus for “A Christmas Horror Story”. R
#MonsterSuitMonday Remember the TV show “Dinosaurs”? Here’s “Earl Sinclair” as well as a look at the
A couple of fuzzy-faced “Wessen” from NBC’s “Grimm”. #MonsterSuitMonday The first is a “Varme Tyv” a
#MonsterSuitMonday One of the Lycans from “Underworld” probably on the lot at the Vancouver-area st
#MonsterSuitMonday A couple of shots of “Tavros” from the “Narnia” films. Still my favourite minotau
#MonsterSuitMonday Dressing the Chupacabra for a Sears commercial. Designed & created by Legacy
#MonsterSuitMonday From Dirk Ellis’ facebook page, “ “Shark-Man” aka “Dawg”
Some behind the scenes photos on the set of “AVP”. #MonsterSuitMonday I dunno. I think it’s more ter
A behind-the-scenes shot of Lisker Zoanoid from the film “The Guyver” (1991). #MonsterSuitMonday She
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