ship weeks
haruyo yamaguchi
Dutchman’s… breech? Just the one breech here.
Baby cutleaf toothwort and baby trillium, early spring bff’s.
Bloodroot is surely one of the most delicate of the totally metal-sounding spring ephemerals.
Sharp-lobed hepatica should be ready to pop before too long here.
Coreopsis. Food for butterflies, bees, birds, and the spirit. I have so many seeds of this flower th
Rhododendron maximum is a real hit tonight! #Appalachia #plants #flowers #botany #gnats #arthropodsa
Check out the inflorescence on the Baltic rush (Juncus balticus). Those twisted stigmas! #plants #b
Some purple rocket (Iodanthus pinnatifidus) hanging out with a bunch of Gray’s sedge (Care
A fantastic floodplain hike in Missouri. #botanizing #nature #midwestlife #floodplain #senecio #biod
The one-flowered broomrape (Orobanche uniflora) - I have been trying to find this plant for over 5 y
I sure do love a good barrel cactus. Ferocactus wislizeni. #botany #cacti #cactaceae #biodiversity #
One cannot have enough saguaro in their life . . . #Carnegieagigantea #cacti #botany #SonoranDesert
Some observations of material left over from the nature journaling workshop. The workshop was a lot
Today I took a break from the home studio to work with some fresh material of this cute new species
I now know why they call these insects “hanging thieves.” After they catch their
The “pipe” of Aristolochia californica, known as Dutchman’s pipevine,
Opening up an Arisolochia flower to find what’s inside is an adventure! The stamens are fu
Quick little cross section of a Styrax redivivus (snowdrop bush) flower. They smell as lovely as the
I love the strange and fascinating flowers of Aristolochia californica (California snakeroot, pipevi
Found a gorgeous Pinus coulteri (big cone pine) cone today- this will be excellent subject matter fo
Long time no see, internet friends! I’m returning to an old project just as I return to yo
Fun at work last week creating Romneya coulteri (Matilija poppy) flower arrangements with paper flow
Ants stealing a nectar snack from a Fremontodendron at the gardens! I didn’t see a label f
And so the permaculture transformation of my lawn begins. #lowbushblueberries #nativeplants #perenni
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