Neoclassical Architecture
belladonnaof sadness
Chrissoveloni family crypt on the Ghidigeni estate. Galaţi county, Romania
Ghika mansion in Căciulaţi, Ilfov county, Romania.
Library, Boston
Dolmabahce Palace (Istanbul, Turkey) | © serkanavcioglu
An oversized plaster bust of Juno Ludovisi. Late 19th Century after the antique. Sold by Christie’s
inkxlenses:Braccio Nuovo of Museo Chiaramonti- a neoclassical masterpiece of architecture and museog
The Eglise de la Madeleine, Paris
Neoclassical Revival
The entrance to the Central Building of the University of Athens, Greece. The building is part of 3-
Inside the basilica. . . . . #ststephensbasilica #szentistvanbazilika #basilica #architecture #neocl
Another street ender and another Budapest build in the early 1900s. This time it’s the neoclas
Nouvelle collection d’arabesques – Alexandre Lenoir 1810
The townhall, Chalkida, Greece #chalkida #townhall #evia #Eviaisland #townhall #christmas #christmas
Giocondo Albertolli 1798. Illustration of a Corinthian Capital. Collection of the Cooper Hewitt.#Bui
Palazzo delle esposizioni
Saint Isaac’s Cathedral in Saint Petersburg, Russia
⚜Esthétique⚜ | The South Side of St. Mark’s Cathedral, 1851 by John Ruskin
‘Foro Annonario’, Senigallia (AN), Italy. Photo: © Wolfram Mikuteit &
♕Feminine Charm♕ | Classical sculpture decorated by roses
♕Feminine Charm♕ | Chateau, interior Architecture
The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood combines elements of both Baroque and Neoclassical style a
Moritzkirche (The Church of St. Moritz)John Pawson, ArchitectAugsburg, Germany2008 – 2013#Buil
The Balmain store in Paris by Joseph Dirand#Built Beauty
An oversized plaster bust of Juno Ludovisi. Late 19th Century after the antique. Sold by Christie&rs
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