A stunning @neometaljewelry trinity pierced with #kiwamineedles from @anatometalinc yesterday by you
So, many of you guessed correctly! It was most definitely a triple forward helix, and a killer one a
Fun fresh double helix with jewelry from @neometaljewelry and @interstellarjewelryproductions done h
Dainty #nostrilpiercing with oceangrey swarowski flower from NeoMetal #nostril #safepiercing #neome
Fresh conch & two week old helix piercing with neometal turquoise caps
Fresh double nostril piercing with bronze titanium jewelry by NeoMetal
Healing philtrum with titanium jewelry by NeoMetal
Fresh triple forward helix with titanium jewelry by NeoMetal@neocultists
Had so much fun doing double helix piercings all week last week! Here’s one of my favourit
Indoor photo of a triple forward helix I did not too long ago. Pretty happy with it. Jewelry from @n
Some fun piercings from today. Fresh Daith with niobium jewelry anodized in House Green and ‘R
Fun lil’ triple to start my day #tripleflatpiercing #triplehelixpiercing #neometal #appmem
Fresh high nostril for Celeste! #piercing #highnostril #bodypiercing #miamipiercing #neometal #neoc
Tucked a sneaky little sparkle into this helix #piercing #earpiercing #helixpiercing #miamipiercing
Double forward helix with Neometal!
I’m really happy with how this Saturn inspired custom industrial project turned out. @gene
Fresh #conchpiercing with jewelry by #neometal and #evolutionmetalworks with a bit of custom bending
Healed #daith piercing and three healed cartilage piercings (#conch and deep #helixpiercing s) with
I’m a sucker for opals . . . . . #safepiercing #bodyjewelry #bodypiercing #opals #tragus
White gold, white cz and white pearls! My do I miss it! Hand made white gold seam rings and captive
Super adorable first ear lobe piercings dome in tandem with Jess Lane. While back. 4mm lavender opal
Check out this beautiful project I did before all this crap went down. Healed snug (not done by me)
Ich hatte gestern die Ehre dieses süsse türkise Schmuckstück von #neometaltitaniumbod
The color is popping with this one! 4mm prong aurora borealis from @neometaljewelry for this helix p
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