New Flag
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neon print
You have all made a lot of sacrifices over the past few months. Just hang on a little longer and kee
niggasandcomputers:northgang:Bree Newsome takes down the Confederate Battle Flag at the South Caroli
New gender: Nonbinary flag but made out of Gentaro’s color palette
rainbowgender:new terms!!antequauroraic: a gender related to the sky just before dawnantecrepusculic
hey so ive designed a new candy lion ! his palettes based on the butch flag & he is a he/him les
Anonymous. The Austrian flag flutters alongside the hammer-and-sickle on a tram crossing a newly rep
yonceghost:lejacquelope:Bree Newsome takes down the Confederate flag in Charleston, South Carolina,
Children of a fascist youth organization consecrate a new flag, while Benito Mussolini looks on (Rom
thewitchofthenorse: I made some art with the new POC friendly pride flag in celebration of officiall
absolutelyiris:Your Hero of the Day: Bree Newsome just took down the Confederate flag this morning.
xefinboy(/guy/man): a gender that is xenine-in-nature, feminine-in-nature, and male; being a xenine-
potionaesic: a (xeno)gender related to potion aesthetics; a potion aesthetigenderbased on the sevent
original | simplifiedcavehangic: a gender that hangs upside-down from the ceiling of a cave, similar
cauldrend: a gender that holds other genders inside itself in a way similar to a cauldron. the other
I couldn’t find any, so here’s a genderfluid man moodboard. For demifluid trans dudes, genderfaun pe
original | icon-friendlygenderpuppet: a gender that is being controlled by an outside force, causing
lexeprofanelexeassic | lexebitchiclexedamnic | lexefuckiclexehellic | lexeshiticlexeprofane: when on
sweateraesic: a (xeno)gender related to sweater aesthetics; a sweater aesthetigenderbased on the thi
969. BannerViridian Isle’s new town flag~
lexechaosic: when one’s gender is the word ‘chaos’. their gender may or may not actually be chaotic
yingender: an umbrella term for all genders that are yonderine in nature (yin). can also be used to
anxi- | anxiroseanxiromantic | anxisexualanxi-/anx-: when one cannot differentiate feeling attractio
fryhthrillic: a gender related to the feeling of excitement that can accompany scary experiences. it
tasquique | tasquemanagiquetasquique: a gender related to cats, computers, and performing tasks. it
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