New Xenogender
redraw meme
original | stripedhorntuskic: a gender related to tusks and hornsfor anon! colors are taken from var
fallfoursettlic: a gender related to ‘fallout 4′ settlementsfor anon! i picked colo
remindmeica | poorlenoicaremindmeica: a gender connected/related to the song ‘remind me’
original | stripedmorganitic: a gender related to morganitefor anon! term was coined here and all co
bylighteyesic: a gender related to the ‘by the lights of their eyes’ trope (a trope
presentlibertic: a gender related to the game ‘presentable liberty’for anon! colors are
hypersuccumor: a gender related to being hypersexual, being a succubus, and not just being a sexual
rosboyangelic: a gender related to being a rosboy angelfor anon! the first, second, and sixth stripe
teslapunkic | teslapunkgenderteslapunkic: a (xeno)gender related to the teslapunk aestheticteslapunk
xenokenofluid | gendergloamxenokenofluid: being fluid between xenogender and kenochoricgendergloam:
candleflamovic: a gender related to how candle flames movefor anon! the bottom stripe represents can
mosfnafsongic: a gender related to most ‘five nights at freddy’s’ songsfor an
cascaviden: a gender that is related to a cave hidden behind a waterfall. this could be metaphorical
abandenian: a gender related to a garden that, though it was once upkept and grand, has been abandon
jeweltonesic: a gender related to jewel tonesday 15 of @noxwithoutstars coining event, ’ro
loniceraumic: a gender related to honeysuckle and traumafor anon! the top and bottom stripes represe
cupcakeun: a subset of cakegender that is a single small gender. this term is similar to cupcakegend
deemogamic: a gender related/connected to the game ‘deemo’for anon! colors are take
original | stripedretroshakic: a gender related to retro aesthetics, 80score, milkshakes, glass milk
horrosmilovfearic: a gender related to loving cosmic horror, but being scared of it at the same time
chocshakedric: original | stripedchoclasshakaesic | chocshaketasticchocshakedric: a gender related t
puppys-xeno-blog: New xenogender! Aliendoggender, not to be confused with Alienpupgender.This gender
novas-writing-rambles: Coining a (I think) new xenogender!Shycatgender! A gender where ones gender f
Startrekgender / TrekgenderFor those whose gender is closely tied to Star Trek, and/or a gender that
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