Olga romanov
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Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia (1895-1918)
“Slept terribly, had earache - [had] a warm compress, and Polyakov does not allow me [to go] t
Olga Nikolaevna and Tatiana Nikolaevna’s diary entries for 8th/21st February 1913“Had le
Olga Nikolaevna and Tatiana Nikolaevna’s diary entries for 3rd/16th February 1913“Went t
“Had lessons. Had breakfast with Mama. Papa went hunting, killed a lynx and 3 pheasants. In th
Olga and Tatiana Nikolaevna with an officer, 22nd January/4th February 1915“At 9.30 [we] 4 wen
“At 10 ½ went to obednya at the regimental church. There was a big breakfast and mu
“In the morning [we] four with Papa and Aunt Olga went to obednya at the lower regimental chur
Merry Christmas! Hope everyone has a blessed day. Don’t forget why we celebrate today, the bir
The last Imperial children of Russia photographed in 1908. (x)
Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana of Russia photographed on donkeys. (x)
Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia c. 1898 (x)
Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna Romanov, Tsar Nicholas II and Pavel Voronov, ca. 1912.
Empress Alexandra walking with three of four daughters - Grand Duchesses, Olga, Marie and Tatiana Ni
Emperor Nicholas II and his children leave Fedorov’s Cathedral. 1910
Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanov as toddlers ridding donkeys. 1899.
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna relaxing with her daughter Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna Romanov on The
“My beloved darling. I just got your letter from 14 December with the poetry. Although it is v
“Mama darling!I kiss You my sweet Angel & pray for You. Sleep well & good bles
“Had a lesson. Went to Anya’s to get Mama and Olga. Then went to the infirmary. Karangoz
“Sleep well & God help You, sweet Mama dove. We three kiss & love You awfully,
“Had a lesson in the morning. Went to the Grand Palace to get Mama and Olga at Grabov’s.
“In the morning temp. 38. Had to stay in bed again. Aunt Olga came over and Anya, Papa too. Te
“Had a lesson. Went to the Grand Palace to Grabov. Then with Mama and Olga to the infirmary. B
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