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The Risen ChristBramantino (Italian; ca. 1465–1530)ca. 1490Mixed technique on panel © Museo Thyssen-
Bouguereau’s Atelier at the Académie Julian, Paris (1891). Jefferson David Chalfan (American,
Pietro Paolini (Italian; 1603–1681)Allegory of the Five Sensesca. 1630Oil on canvasThe Walters Art M
Byam Shaw (1872-1919), ‘The Blind Folding of Truth - An Allegory’, “The Studio&rdq
Byam Shaw (1872-1919), ‘The Pit and the Pendulum’, “Selected Tales of Mystery&rdqu
Louis-Joseph Le Lorrain (French; 1715–1759)Classical Ruins, with Columns, Statuary, and FountainBrus
Self Portrait at Easel, by Sofonisba Anguissola, 16th century artist
John Opie (1761-1807), ‘Shakspeare. Second part of King Henry VI, act I, scene IV: Mother Jour
Harmen ter Borch (1638-1662), ‘Beestenconcert’ (Beast Concert), 1653Source
Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen (1465-1533), ‘Saul and the Witch of Endor’, 1526Source
Auguste Jean-Baptiste Roubille (1872-1955), ‘Les années se suivent et se ressemblent’ (The years go
Jan Gossaert (1478-1532), ‘Kain und Abel’, “Chronik für vervielfältigende Kunst&rd
Pieter van der Heyden (1530-1572) (After Pieter Bruegel I), ‘The Descent of Christ into Limbo&
Ottilie W. Roederstein was one of the leading painters in the German-speaking world during her lifet
Joseph Sattler (1867-1931), ‘Das Arme Mädchen’ (The Poor Girl), “Meine Harmonie&rd
John D. Batten (1860-1932), ‘Thetis saves the Argonauts from Scylla’, from “The B
Johann Peter Pichler (German; 1765–1807) after Heinrich Friedrich Füger(?) (German; 1751–1818)Portra
Landscape BackgroundsGeorge Catlin (American; 1796–1872)1846–48Oil on canvas Smithsonian American Ar
John D. Batten (1860-1932), ‘The Genie carries..’, from “Fairy Tales from the Ara
sproutwings:favorite painters: Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (29 July 1817 – 5 May 1900)
Henri Levy (1844-1914), ‘The Angel of Death’s Kiss’, “Salon of 1900”So
A Young Man with His Indian(?) ServantHolding a PortfolioJohn Hamilton Mortimer (British; 1740–1779)
George Grosz (1893-1959), ‘The Pit’ (1946), ’'George Grosz’’ by John I
John D. Batten (1860-1932), ‘St.George’, from “Studio international”, Vol 23
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