tux shirt
jim dear
charlotte gray
stella hill
Pansy necklace //funkyjewelryshop
Rennie’s seed annual & garden guide for 1920 - Wm. Rennie CoPublication - via Internet Arc
Ideals, selections from various sources - 1896 - via Internet Archive
Brush studies - Lida Clarkson - 1886 - via Internet Archive
Compositions ornementales pour le cuir et la pyrogravure - c.1900 - via Paris bibliotheques
Au jardin de l'infante. Compositions de Carlos Schwabe - Albert Samain - 1909 - via Gallica
Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl - Looty - 1861 - via The Royal Collection Trust
Joris Hoefnagel and Georg Bocskay - Ladybird and European Wild Pansy - 16th c. - via Getty Open Cont
L'immortalité - Edmond Haraucourt, Carloz Schwabe, ill. - 1894 - via Gallica
Olga Wisinger-Florian (1844–1926) - Stiefmütterchen und Schmetterlinge - via Wikimedia
Les plantes médicinales indigènes et exotiques, leurs usages thérapeutiques, pharmaceutiques et indu
Friedrich Lesemann - Bemerkung zu den vorliegenden Abbildungen der Viola tricolor - 1860 - via Techn
L'Ornement polychrome vol. 2 - Albert Racinet - before 1893 - via Gallica
Jugend: Münchner illustrierte Wochenschrift für Kunst und Leben - 1905, Band 2 - via University of H
Macédoines (Blumenstrauß in einer Vase) - Edouard Traviès - 1850 - via MAK Collection
Pansy illustrations - Acta horti bergiani: Meddelanden från Kongl - 1891 - via Internet Archive
halfreaction:lily cuyler [detail]
twirld:A Man with Pansies and a Skull (ca.1535) Follower of Jan van Scorel
wickedclothes:Pansy Viola Flower NecklacePerpetually preserved pansies inside of a crystal clear sph
Just some flowers
since travel is difficult right now, I have been touring my backyard
twirld:A Man with Pansies and a Skull (ca.1535) Follower of Jan van Scorel
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