Paper Medium
by romelle
artist-redon: The Beacon, 1883, Odilon Redon Medium: pastel,paper
artist-blake: The Ancient of Days, 1794, William Blake Medium: etching,pen,ink,watercolor,paper
artist-chagall: Interior with Flowers, Marc Chagall Medium: paper,temperawww.wikiart.org/en/
artist-rysselberghe: Cherries, Théo van Rysselberghe Medium: watercolor,paper
brewerssupplies:Alone they are weak, but together they are deadly. Take on this species of monstrosi
I was planning on moving this to the computer, but I don’t think I’ll ever get t
artist-rossetti: The First Madness of Ophelia, 1864, Dante Gabriel Rossetti Medium: paper
MEDIUM Starfish High Heel Paper Shoe Art Sculpture, Original Design
konstantin-somov: Harlequin and Death, 1907, Konstantin Somov Medium: gouache,watercolor,paper
post-impress-art: Bush in the Park at Arles, 1888, Vincent van Gogh Medium: ink,paper
artist-chagall: Uncle Mitiai & Uncle Miniai, 1923, Marc Chagall Medium: etching,paper
blood-frankvic: Medium: Salted paper print
artist-magritte: The cut-glass bath, 1946, Rene Magritte Medium: gouache,paper
artist-redon: Bouquet of Wild Flowers, 1910, Odilon Redon Medium: pastel,paperwww.wikiart.or
artist-redon: Bust of a Man Asleep amid Flowers, Odilon Redon Medium: watercolor,paperwww.wi
artist-redon: Girl with Chrysanthemums, Odilon Redon Medium: pastel,paperwww.wikiart.org/en/
Watercolor fun Medium: Watercolor on smooth watercolor paper, ink + brush for the lines
可售 (3/50)Medium: Salted paper printDimensions: Image:26 x 19.5 cm.(10.24 x 7.68 in.)
artist-vangogh: Hands, 1885, Vincent van Gogh Medium: chalk,pencil,paper
artist-malevich: Singer by Kazimir Malevich Medium: pencil, watercolor on paper
artist-goya: Foolishness of the Fools, 1823, Francisco Goya Medium: etching,paper
artist-davinci: Five caricature heads, Leonardo Da Vinci Medium: ink,paperwww.wikiart.org/en
The #Lizard! I don’t #watercolour very often, but the paper kinda dictated the medium. htt
artist-picasso: Portrait of Olga, Pablo Picasso Medium: pencil,paper
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