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Page Seven’s 2017 Calendars are out !! I am particularly excited to announce that 50% of a
I will remember and tell of all your wonderful deeds, //instagram: pg7inc
Gripped and captivated by Your love, //instagram: pg7inc
Tenderness malleable and aware; ready to move and ready to stand, //instagram: pg7inc
Even in the flurry of things, //instagram: pg7inc
To take a moment and silence my thoughts and heart utterances. To lean in to listen to what makes th
May my voice roar within and throughout. May my voice be drenched in Your truth. May my voice envelo
It’s a rainy Monday afternoon and the bébé is sound asleep, which means i ge
His impeccable timing season after season , //instagram: pg7inc
Feet shuffling backward, neck straining upward, captivated by Your beauty,//instagram: pg7inc
Standing unswervingly, wave after wave,
For light always (always) wins, //instagram: pg7inc
God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever, //instagram: pg7inc
The simplicity and gravity, urgency and reality, //instagram: pg7inc
Just to see You,To behold You as my King, //instagram: pg7inc
For there is a time for everything, //instagram: pg7inc
The One whom my soul adores,[instagram: pg7inc]
This was the verse I desperately held onto during many years of all sorts of deep pain (i.e. both ph
Oh my soul, rejoice,
Trading all that I have for all that is better,
Your truth that stands - unmoved by the storms, //instagram: pg7inc
For victory rests in our Lord, //instagram: pg7inc
Love that blooms, that permeates,
Kindness drenched in truth that plants life & breathes light,
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