jennifer scarpetta
Adam Clayton, Bono, Larry Mullen Jr. U2. @u2 @u2news @u2start @u2.wolves @u2_breathe . . . . . #live
In The Name of Love (Bono talking:) “There was a guy who said if we played that song, that was it, h
Adam Clayton bassist U2. @u2_breathe @u2 @u2.wolves @u2start @u2news #bono . . . . #livemusic #rock
The name Joshua tree was given by a group of Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mi
The Scientist known as The Edge in full concentration. @u2crazytonight @u2news @u2 @u2start @u2.wolv
Raised by wolves Stronger than fear Raised by wolves We were raised by wolves Raised by wolves Stron
“Pero también soy yo el que quiere todo ignorar”....#unpluggednoise #drum #drummer #drum
The Dynamic Duo. Larry and Bono. @u2_breathe @u2 @u2.wolves @u2start @u2news . . . . . #livemusic #s
Another view of Larry Mullen Jr. @u2 @u2news @u2start @u2.wolves @u2_breathe @u2crazytonight . . . .
What a wonderful year of music . . . . #livemusic #stagephotography #rocknroll #concertphoto #newmu
A brief interlude Larry Mullen Jr pondering Mysterious Ways of the world. @u2news @u2start @u2.wolve
The Fly, MacPhisto, The Devil, The Monsignor of Irish ☘️ Rock. Bono. . . . . #livemusic #concertpho
I am the people—the mob—the crowd—the mass. Do you know that all the great work of the world is done
The one and only Bono. @u2_breathe @u2.wolves @u2start @u2news @u2 . . . . . #livemusic #concertphot
#TBT to #JohnnyDepp performing on 7/5/2016 with the @hollywoodvampires in #Milwaukee, WI. I’v
#AliceCooper performs I’m Eighteen on 10/23/2017 in Canberra, Australia. _____________________
In honor of landing back in California just now, here’s a Swagger Back Sunday post from #Holly
“I don’t care what’s going, if you love me, if you kill me”.
@monsindrol con @inwavesoficial desde Medellín la semana pasada en Bogotá. . . . #guit
“Hoy quiero correr junto a tu lado, escapar del infierno que está por venir&rdq
“Y qué ingenuos que fuimos. No supimos perdonar cuando también mal hicimos&a
“¿Qué puedo callar cuando en mi mente todo y nada anda mal?” @alej
“Pero y a veces tú ya pareces todo olvidar”. . . . . #bassist #bassplayer
“No sé si lograré alejarme de tus pies…”. @cristianbola
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