Roman Religion
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Ancient Roman marble statue of the goddess Cybele, depicting holding a cornucopia and attended by a
Roman Calendar - August 1, Dies Natalis for the temple of SpesRoman goddess of hope who had a temple
artpedia:Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace), July 4, 13 B.C.E. Marble. Museo dell’Ara Paci
arjuna-vallabha:Fresco from a lararium in the House of the Vettii, Pompeii
Ancient Roman fresco from the villa of P. Fannio Sinistore in Boscoreale, showinh a shrine, 43-30 BC
cynicalmoderate:“The Apotheosis of St. Ignatius” by Andrea Pozzo (ceiling of The Church ofSant’Ignaz
Roman statues, Osterburken* Exhibition: Religion in Limes* Roman Museum Osterburken source: Holger U
Ancient Roman marble head, from a portrait statue of a veiled priestess of Vesta. Artist unknown; c
Ancient Greek or Roman sardonyx cameo depicting a group of Bacchic devotees. Artist unknown; 1st ce
Standing cast bronze statuette of Jupiter, from the lararium (household shrine) of a Roman villa at
Fragment of an ancient Roman wall fresco depicting a winged Victory. Artist unknown; late 2nd or ea
Ancient Roman terracotta relief (one of the so-called “Campana reliefs”) showing the goddess Victori
Denarius of Julia Mamaea, mother of the Roman emperor Severus Alexander (r. 222-235 CE). On the obv
Roman bronze votive statue of the goddess Minerva. Artist unknown; 2nd cent. CE. Now in the Fitchb
Roman ivory statue of Apollo, shown holding a lyre. Artist and date unknown. Photo credit: Wellcom
Statue of Diana, goddess of the hunt. Artist unknown; 2nd cent. CE. Found at Italica; now in the A
Apollo resting on a tripod. Roman copy (1st or early 2nd cent. CE) after a Greek original. Now in
Colossal mask of the goddess Cybele. Artist unknown; 1st half of 2nd cent. CE. Now in the Musei Ca
Bronze statuette of a Lar (ancient Roman household god) with a rhyton (drinking horn) and patera (of
Ancient Roman bronze statuette of Mars Ultor, perhaps from a lararium (household shrine). Artist un
Presbyter Arius and the Bowel Movement of Death When Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity i
Roman Calendar - June 11: Matralia festival and goddess FortunaMatralia was a festival that was ce
The Donation of Constantine Fraud,After the fall of the Western Roman Empire the Roman Catholic Chur
peashooter85:Presbyter Arius and the Bowel Movement of DeathWhen Emperor Constantine legalized Chris
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