Sims 4 Toy
athletes sex
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Wifes Sex
I bought Sunrose a treadmill to use at home but Fern uses it to show off to her Selvadoradan friend
Tried spicing things up between Fern and Sunrose at the romance festival but Sunrose is still too sa
From the legacy rules, the spouse needs to be either a Detective or a Doctor. Sunrose wants to be a
Fern and Sunrose admitted they had feelings for one another, promptly became girlfriends and Sunrose
Even though I get Pacay to do her homework she keeps getting bad grades. idk why Fern yelled at her
Simdiana Jones and the Last Crumpet premiered on TV. Fern invited Sunrose over to watch but she was
Over breakfast where she wasted a Faraday Fizz Fern finds out she was accepted into her course for a
Father Winter: Little girl, please have the gift of MORE FIRE RISKFern’s burnt Grand Meal tast
IT’S WINTERFEST BY THE WAYFinally the firies put the damn fire out and somehow managed to not
Firefighters: Uhhh what do we do again?!
“Honey, I think I burnt the food again” - Fern probablyShe’s maxed both cooking an
Fern challenged Sunrose to a game of Hoops. Fern missed her shot so Sunrose showed off. Then missed
Sunrose proposed! The family celebrated by doing homework
Fern bragged about her A grade to her daughter who is a D student
Pee bush woohoo review: 0 stars
Also not friends: Jellyfish and SunroseWho prank calls a little girl??? wtf
One of Fern’s Selvadoradan friends came over and became another target of Sunrose. She was not
Fern and Jellyfish punk’d me by fighting (I think Roughhousing got voted in)
Jellyfish called about the exciting stuff happening at the estate place in Windenburg so the whole f
Sunrose saw Morgan Fyres some mysterious people and thought they would be good candidates to sign he
Attempt #2♀️
Who wore it best 2022.Not Fern, apparently
Jellyfish came over
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