Slava Mogutin
facesitting slave
“Casual Encounters” - my portfolio in the new volume of Mein Schwules Auge / My Gay Eye
The lifeguard that almost saved my life
Hi / Bad Dad, oil pastel on pages from MOUTHFEEL Magazine
Joseph & Fixx in my BRO ISLAND portfolio for Flaunt Magazine
My portrait of Marko Brozic from Bros & Brosephines
“Tribe: Choose Your Own Family” portfolio for OUT Magazine with Matthew Later styled by
Artist portraits of Nick Theobald for Whitewall Magazine
Kill Shop Kill, sticker collage on a stolen Bible
My interview and portfolio in Facts Zine (Paris)
Tag Team_So Fresh_So New, oil pastel on pages from MOUTHFEEL Magazine
Beyond Birth and Death Manifesto, collage on a stolen Bible
Crybaby, a hand-panted print from Suddenly Last Summer Series
“Mutual Funds” from my Stock Boyz series in Facts Zine (France)
No Love, from my portfolio in Dazed Digital (UK)
Carter (4 Durags), 2013
My portraits of little Lou @lostbyfrankocean in Rollacoaster Magazine (UK)
“Anton Smoking” from my portfolio for RAISE Magazine (Paris)
Sander Stomped, from my portfolio in Dazed Digital (UK)
My portrait of Josh Lee from Suddenly Last Summer series in the new issue of Gayletter Magazine
An outtake from my DRAWN TOGETHER portfolio for Gayletter MagazineDrawings by Brian Kenny, sculpture
Red Hat (Xevi) from No Love series in Interface, curated by Walt Cessna at the Leslie-Lohman Museum
Bros before hoes, from my Brosephines portfolio for VICE Magazine
Portraits of Marko Brozic from my Food Chain series
An outtake from my DRAWN TOGETHER portfolio for Gayletter MagazineDrawings by Brian Kenny, sculpture
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