Congratulations @loulabelle_1882 you are this weeks lucky winner! For everyone else there’s 10% off
And bottom detail of the sweater. I am not huge on frilly stuff but as a knitter/crocheter gorgeous
“Night Sky” Sparkle Sock with silver stellina that glitters like stars. Now available as miniskeins
My @malabrigoyarn Mechita top is finished. I used only about 320g of yarn (on 2.5mm hook), and it is
Hey, guys. Did you see? All those goodies just dropped in the shop? Go, go, go get yours now! link t
Some progress for socks “with pictures”I need to finish them as soon as possible
Yes, we’ll be there! Will you? #yarn #yarnporn #yarnstash #yarnaddict #yarnstagram #knit #knit
Just because the days are long and dark doesn’t mean your yarn has to be! Caribbean Reef Squid
Can I get a shout out from all the grey lovers out there? #yarnovernewyork #knitallthethings #greyya
“Fractals” is one of my absolute favorite designs to paint. Each one is inspired by the
Giveaway 9 of 20: Cat Party. I will post this package of feline theme indie dyed yarn worldwide to o
Congratulations @madfruitbat you are the lucky winner! I’ll do one more giveaway before Christ
My #bestnine2017 - the second photo shows the true result because of course people like giveaways mo
Coffee and knitting: monochrome so the colours remain secret till Christmas!! #yarn #yarnporn #yarns
Absolutely the last holiday yarn of the year! One final batch of “Iced Gingerbread”. #ya
Another shelled cephalopod returns, Argonaut on Donegal Sock, this time with rainbow neps. #yarn #ya
Revisiting the Nautilus with warm reddish browns, chestnut, and a smattering of black. An OOAK on Do
Hey knitters! Ever wondered what strange delights weavers create with Mothy and the Squid yarn? (I d
Because red and green are not the only colours!! Part 8 of 20 giveaways for 20k. Enjoy some blues, g
Congratulations @knitnaxbyally you are this weeks winner! For everyone else there’s 10% off wi
The little Cuttlefish toy guards my stock of seasonal sock blanks! #yarncave #behindthescenes #yarn
I love these Winter colours! TL “Christmas Rose”, TR “Christmas Rorschach”,
Deadly Nightshade is one of the colourways I’m going to continue into 2018. But I’ve als
Since it was Small Business Saturday, I thought I’d show you a rare glimpse of the faces behin
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