Speech Bubbles
composition book
shark stage
Fac RectumDo the Right Thing
Si puellae scholae superioris birota automataria vehuntur…… vita cotidiana erit “BAKUO
Ita, hoc est tempus cerebri magni.Yeah, this is big brain time.(Fons Imaginis.)
Corripe Vitam AvenisGrab Life by the Grains(Fons Imaginis.)
Romanes eunt domus.The Romanes are going to their homes.
Cur Poindexter esse debes, cum Poinsinister esse potes?Why be a Poindexter when you can be a Poinsin
interretialia:Favorabilissimus Tuus Problematicus EstYour Fave Is Problematic
(Image description: two speech bubbles on gradient backgrounds. Left says: “respect genderquee
Ludis ut ludo vincas. Salvene? Ludis ut ludo vincas.You play to win the game. Hello? You play to win
I was stupid and I ruined the file while it was saving . What can I draw to forgive me ?
Mendaciloqui multi praeclarique et magistratus electi Cancri sunt.Many famous fibbers and elected of
Simius!Monkey! (Fontes Imaginum: 1, 2.)
[Warning for nsfw/mature content!]got lazy with the speech bubbles so if its hard to read im really
Dies est idoneus quo aliquis indigena sit!It’s a good day to be indigenous!(Fons Imaginis.)
everbleed-eats: weird warlock, weird demon. speech bubbles were done with the help of @melodysmunchi
Esse oporteat necne quaeritur:Utrum honestius in mente sit patiFundas et sagittas immanis fortunae&h
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