Spiritual Quotes
adoringly yours
“The rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times.” - St. Pio of Pietrelcina
The being is the being and the reason for the being to be is to be the being himself.
Brambles should be cut away,Removing even the sprouts.Within essence there naturally bloomsA beautif
Current state of mind.
Victor Hugo
It took me forever to learn this lesson.
Being deeply loved – Lao Tzu
It must further be prefaced that every one of the twelve signs is a dual or double representation of
On the mystic journey there is a well corresponding to each act of the seven acts of Being &hell
Have a beautiful day!
your whole outlook on your life and the life that surrounds you changes…
Very true!
“The authentic self is the soul made visible”
What you manifest, You get… You just have to want it.
like stars we shine
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Lol I’m done ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ #Anime #quotes #daily #animequotes #dailyquotes #animefo
What you manifest, You get… You just have to want it.
We are the dream
You have total control over your whole being.can we make the #aluracein go trending?whoever uses thi
A lil spiritual quote
We must manifest our dreams to being anything we want to be
If You’re Not Getting Something, You Have To Ask What Are You Giving - Ramfis Myrthil
all is revealed in the end of self discovery.
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