Startup Life
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#Leaders You Can #Trust Leaders Representing #People #Worldwide At our international nonpr
Thoughts matter. Each and every single one of them. #iplanmyfuture #business #success #bestquotesfr
One world. No planet B. This is it. #iplanmyfuture #business #success #bestquotesfromiplanmyfuture
There’s a solution for everything. Find the best ones for you. #iplanmyfuture #business #
Be honest with yourself first if your heart isn’t in the role, time to make a move. Why? I
Old school is out and new leadership is in. #iplanmyfuture #business #success #bestquotesfromiplanm
“We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action.“ - Dr. Henry Link
Paper pushing is so yesteryear. #iplanmyfuture #business #success #bestquotesfromiplanmyfuture #lov
Those who dream big and execute. WIN. #iplanmyfuture #business #success #bestquotesfromiplanmyfuture
The lessons lead to new insights and learning for the smart ones. Spin your narrative to work for yo
Setups don’t come when you’re ready, they come unexpectedly. #iplanmyfuture #bus
Optimism lifts you to different heights. #iplanmyfuture #business #success #bestquotesfromiplanmyfut
Great leaders are in tune with their teams. They have an open communication policy. #iplanmyfuture #
Plan great day trips to expand your mind and stretch your experience zones. #iplanmyfuture #business
Those who work on themselves, stand out. #iplanmyfuture #business #success #bestquotesfromiplanmyfut
Learn to find your happiness and don’t take it away from others.
Just give me a drop of your love every day and that will be enough for my heart to revive and bloom
Pauses are necessary, to recycle the air, pray the soul, catalyze thought, renew stays, osmosize the
Maintain an active social life, which is the key to a harmonious mind.
“ The true nostalgic is not the one who remembers, but the one who collects exploits in order to rem
Surely there will be someone in the world, together with whom you will forget those who never apprec
Why is love at birth so sweet and then so bitter? Is it because it caresses us first to devour us la
Of seas and fleeting secretsFlood me with your caresses,until I suffocate with pleasures,that your h
Words have magic…They undress what lives inside us, discover the hidden truths, they confess nostalg
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