Symbolist Artist
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Nikolai Kalmakoff (1873-1955), ‘Satan’, 1923
Waiting for Spring by David Michael Bowers(Artist’s website)
Suburban Taboo by David Michael Bowers(Artist’s website)
Thinking of Medusa by David Michael Bowers(Artist’s website)
Elihu Vedder (1836-1923), ‘The Eclipse of the Sun by the Moon’, “Doubt and Oth
Gustave Moreau (1826-1898), ‘Oedipus and the Sphinx’, 1864“Moreau, at mid-
The Siren by Armand Point
John Duncan (1866-1945), ‘St. Bride’, 1913
Gnosis by Nate Hillyer. American artist.
Daniel (Desecrator) Corcuera. Chilean artist.
Top rarest art catalogues - Symbolist artists 1) Olivier Delville. Jean Delville, peintre, 1867-1953
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the-evil-clergyman: The Three Fates by Alexander Rothaug (1910)
Spielendes Meerweib.1897. Color Lithograph and woodcut. Original graphic from Pan. Art by Henri H&ea
Springtime. Oil on Canvas. 104.6 x 86.4 cm. Art by Jules-Joseph Lefebvre.(1834-1911).
Sage.1897. Paper. Indian ink. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia. Art by Nicholas Roerich.
Die Sünde / The Sin. Oil on Canvas. 90.2 x 53.3 cm. Art by Franz von Stuck.(1863-1928).
Hélène glorifiée.1896-1897. Watercolor, gouache and shell gold on paper. 30.5 x
Problem (Symposium)Akseli Gallen-Kallela (Finnish; 1865–1931)1894Oil on canvasGösta Serla
Joseph Beuys. I Like America and America Likes Me, 1974. Photo documentation by Caroline Tisdall.
Santiago Caruso - Child of the Moon. Argentine artist.
Samuel Araya. Paraguay artist.
Portrait of a Young Woman: Vaïte (Jeanne) GoupilPaul Gauguin (French; 1848–1903)1896Oil on canvasOrd
L’école de Platon = The School of PlatoJean Delville (Belgian; 1867–1953)1898Oil on canvasMusée d'Or
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