valentin stocker
EasteredThis was what Lydia got for wanting an authentic vintage Easter basket. In all reality, it d
The SpiritAs she entered the pumpkin-lined room, her eyes immediately were drawn to a pumpkin tucked
Bathroom Braying “Maybe I should have stayed home today” she said to herself as
Thirteen Days of Halloween TFs 2: Day3 Pumpkinhead As she walked through the pumpkin patch she could
The Devil’s In The Details“…And here we are!” The dark robb
Pickled Predicament Valery was looking for something to prove to her friends that she did have a wil
Who Let The Dog In? Lynn stormed down the hallway, having finally mustered up the courage to confro
Belated Bunny Beans Gail looked at the large unopened bag of jelly beans and frowned, she had b
Hot CowTanya flashed a mischievous grin and slipped past the older man trying to stop her and the ot
It was bad enough that she had her running errands all the time instead of working at the restaurant
8 Years Remade the first image I ever TFd back in the spring 2010. Was the only image on my Devianta
Fallout Girl EnhancedNothing hit the spot like a Nuka-Cola Quantum, didn’t matter if you w
Miss Fox gets Foxed Two teachers sat in the faculty lounge eating their lunches when the topic of Mr
Gator Done Alice trudged through knee high swamp water slowly, the mud beneath her feet clinging to
Part of a small art backlog from September. A girl with bleached blonde hair a large fake breasts ge
Joanna shifted uncomfortably, trying to alleviate the pressure as she drank her smoothie. No matter
The longer she goes without a release the larger things seem to swell, and it’s been a whi
tf-warlock: As class ended the room emptied, it was late and the professor ended class early. He s
They had warned her that the lodge was haunted. It had been unused for over 30 years, with only the
“Are you… sure it isn’t too big?” She bit her finger in a w
I think she needs some help putting on her sunscreen…
My half of an art trade with HumanimalZoo. Haven’t done a girl this furry before, but it w
I’ve noticed a handful of TF artists who have muzzles that look like image #2, figured I&a
The lovely kariwerners has been patiently waiting for The Warlock to give her another taste of a TF,
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