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Losing GroundNikon PC 35mm/f2.8 Shift Lens + Hasselblad X-pan + Cinestill 800T
Hypnoteque (Gold) by Ira Corvi Via Flickr: iracorvi©2015 by Nikon Fm2 - Cinestill 800 Tungsten
Hamburg by night. Old stuff
brighton summer 2014 part 1youtu.be/O7zH9Gs4WSI
Scheelite in Brecciated Quartz displaying fluorescenceLocality: Salmite Mine, Northwest Territories,
Roarie with motorbikefacebook.com/cisliaphotographyinstagram.com/christian_strahl© Ch.Strahl 20
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Verronica Kirie. Shot with tungsten hot lights on my Fuji X-E2. Copyright Jlrimages. Reblogging perm
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Rest of Wondymoon’s conversions for eir-sims. Hope you like them!Tungsten Teen BedroomDecorati
sharktooff: tungsten-edge: Zydrate comes in a little glass vial… in a little glass vial?
tungstenbell:Marliece Andrada, PMOM March 1998
tungstenbell10:Christina Smith, PMOM March 1978
tungstenbell10: Christina Smith, PMOM March 1978
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