Tw Selfharm
amh araeng
You no what would be cool. If we can reblog this stop sign. Not to tell people driving they need to
1 in 65,000 children ages 10 to 14 commit suicide each year. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of dea
Fact. Millions of kids are bullied. And think they have no one to talk to. Reblog this if you will b
You are not the thoughts that limit you. You are not the shame that fills your bones. Your failures
The worst feeling in the moment that you realize you’ve lost yourself.
screaming inside.
I hate my leg’s so much…
mentalillnessmouse:the-struggle-makes-youu-stronger:Alternatives for when you’re feeling angry or re
My daily life
I’m tired of the pain.
Pretty much
Words hurt
So tired of not being important
I’m a piece of shit no one loves me
lots of vent art sorry guys!
prettysuicidal:selfharm, ed and suicide blogi can help you if you need me
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. But, I thought since I’ve been feeling sad, I
add a caption on We Heart It.
I’m back
My teacher noticed that i was super quiet.. I’m so suicidal it’s not even funny,
Sorry i haven’t bin posting lately but i’m back.
I want to hear my heart one last time..
I’m not scared!
reminderthatitsnottheend:suicideisnotanoption4u:#selfharm #selflove #selfworth #anxiety #suicide #su
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