humanstuck eridan
kandi burruss
Hard to sit this one out but trying to give myself some rest (hardly succeeding) this is such bullsh
We can like, totally party with the Haitians . . . . #clueless #statueofliberty #cherhorowitz #maste
Just finished reading milk and honey by @rupikaur_ and holy shit . . . #milkandhoney #rupikaur #poet
Muy fan de las letras de @alejandrosanz y funcionan para ir practicando un mejor trazo cotidiano. &m
Feeling very much like Autumn today “Autumn… The year’s last lovelies
Step One: Set Goals. Step Two: Demolish Them by Eliza Cerdeiros#MotivationalMonday
Be Present, Not Perfect by Eliza Cerdeiros#MotivationalMonday
Be Stubborn About Your Goals… by Eliza Cerdeiros#MotivationalMonday
Don’t Get Sidetracked by People Who Are Not on Track by Eliza Cerdeiros#MotivationalMonda
This is the Beginning of Anything You Want by Eliza Cerdeiros#MotivationalMonday
Move Mountains by Eliza Cerdeiros#MotivationalMonday
Do More Of What Makes You Happy - I gave @iamgiagraham #paletteplay2019 another try. - #lettering #t
BOOM Textperiment 009 . Ok so this one isn’t a mini print, it’s movie poster size. 24&rd
Sorry, WE’RE FUCKED. Textperiment 004 . Perfect for your office, or storefront window! 12&rdq
Práctica dominguera. #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #typographyinspire
En honor a uno de mis personajes más inspiradores: #JohnLennon — #HappyBirthdayJohnLenn
Delgadillismos… — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #typograph
Practice — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #typographyinspired #typism
Estabas Ahí – Moenia #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #typographyi
Un poco de una rolota de #moenia. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #ty
Recuperando los días sin practicar. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligr
#Ride to live. #Motorcycles — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #typograph
Escuchar a #TheBeatles es una de las mejores formas de iniciar el día . — #calligraphy
Extrañando mis clases de #guitarra. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligr
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